NZSBK 2022 – Covid Status

We’re in uncertain times and recognise that lockdowns and borders are still in play.  While running the NZSBK series is the forefront of our plans, we need to recognise that the current national wide restrictions have the potential to significantly impact the ability for riders to be able to attend the first two South Island rounds.

At some stage we will have to make a call if things don’t improve on the restrictions status.

We want to provide plenty of opportunity for riders to plan accordingly, so while planning for the events is well in hand, there is still significant risk that not all riders will be able to attend.

To support the riders, we intend on making the call based upon the Govt’s lock down rules as soon as practical after the Government’s announcement at 4pm on 1 November*.   We recognise that riders need time to make plans or cancel plans for travel, ferries and accommodation.

  • Please Note that after this date, Government restrictions may adversely impact this decision.



Andy Skelton – Commissioner, Road Racing MNZ