NZSBK 2022 Update From Grant Ramage NZSBK Series Director

Dear all

We recently committed to provide plenty of warning around plans for the 2022 NZSBK series. We recognise the need to provide surety for riders so they can make or amend plans. We also need to ensure we also provide a safe environment for all attendees.

We have reviewed the current situation and the recent Government announcements and sadly have to advise we are unable to run round 1 at Ruapuna and round 2 at Teretonga of the NZSBK series in January 2022.

Again, our apologies. We know that like us, you will be disappointed with this news but we wanted to ensure that everyone has time to manage or reset their travel, leave or family plans through the holiday season with plenty of notice.

Note, this is only for the initial two rounds. To support the riders with planning and provide all stakeholders with appropriate notice, we will be reviewing the national COVID situation through the next 2 months. We’ll target providing a further announcement in the middle of January 2022 regarding:

1.       If there are any changes to the two North Island rounds scheduled in March 2022 that riders will need to be aware of.

2.       The possibility of rescheduling or providing some South Island events to be run after the North Island rounds.

Please also note:

1.        The Government’s traffic light system is expected to be implemented, but there are no known introduction dates.

2.       Once the proposed traffic light system is in operation, that under Green or Orange, we should be able to operate as normal with no limits in attendees. However, vaccination certificate requirements are likely to be in play to allow this. This may mean that to attend events, a record or evidence of a “Proof of double vaccination” as mandated by the Government may be required. Please be prepared for this as it may take 3 -4 weeks minimum to achieve double vaccination status.

3.       We understand that there will be some strong opinions on the above policy, but we may have little choice on the subject if we wish to run events and this is out of the club’s and MNZ hands.